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About us

About Us.

The Webbo Rural Teachers Training Institute (WRTTI) is located in Webbo on top of a mountain called Neitialu. It came about from the initiative of the Liberian Government after the colonists and indigenous war.


To avoid any one group from occupying the vicinity, the Government of Liberia chose Neitialu as a site to host the Teachers Training Institute. Therefore in 1961, an American construction company started the construction of structures such as the cafeteria, the administrative building, the academic building, the men’s dormitory and that of the Director’s residence along with the power house. This work was completed in 1962.


The institution (WRTTI) started its academic activities as government own institution in August 2008 in Kakata, Margibi County under the directorship of the late Rev. D. Klay Quie, Sr.

Before this time, educational activities begun when the Adventist Relief Agency (ADRA), an educational development partner initiated a quick impact program by engaging in short term teachers development program from 1999 to 2000.


Mr. D. Nimely Jappah then Administrative Assistant to Dr. Bedford Jones, head of the Secondary Education at the University of Liberia’s Teachers College was contracted by ADRA to steer the affairs of the institute in 1999 up to 2000. Upon the demise of Director D. Nimely Jappah, the then Registrar, Mr. Aflah Allison handled the activities of the WRTTI from 2001 to 2003 before the appointment of Mr. Anthony Slobert in 2003. Mr. Slobert served the institution from 2003 to 2005 after which time the mantle of leadership was taken from him and handled to Rev. D. Klay Quie, Sr.  who was appointed as Director in 2006 and served the institution up to 2014 January before his death in early January.


Mr. Shadrach Y. Kerl, former Coordinating Director of the RTTIs from the Ministry of Education was asked to steer the affairs of WRTTI until the vacuum created due to the death of Rev. Quie Was filled.


Directors Kerl acted in this capacity from January 2014 till February 2015 when the various directors were swapped. This MOE decision brought Mr. Patrick P. Davies to WRTTI as Director in February 2015 to September 2018.


Mr. Martin L. Poquie, former Director of the Zorzor Rural Teacher Training Institute (ZRTTI) took over from Mr. Patrick P. Davies in September 2018 and is now steering the affairs of WRTTI up to date.


During the ADRA intervention period, Mr. Daze Bohlen served as Academic Dean while Mr. Aflah Allison served as Registrar from 1999 to 2012 when he was reassigned to serve the newly established WRTTI Demonstration School. Mr. Allison filled the gap (2001 – 2003) when there was no appointed director and when the then Academic Dean Mr. Bohlen was out in August 2008.


Mr. Joseph F. Kwekwe joined the WRTTI family at KRTTI in Kakata City, Margibi County as Academic Dean of the institute. He managed the affairs of the Academic Wing very well until his demise in mid-2015. During his sojourn to Ghana, Rev. Kenneth Q. Nyepon, Sr. a Trainer was appointed by the late Director Quie to act as Academic Dean. Rev. Nyepon acted in this capacity for two cohorts (Cohorts V & VI).


In September 2012, Mr. Thomas Kan Nyepan was appointed by the late Director Quie to serve as Registrar of WRTTI while still serving as Trainer. Mr. Nyepan was appointed Academic Dean by the then Assistant Minister for Teachers Education, Moses Blokanjay Jackson. Upon taking office as Director of WRTTI, Deacon Davies appointed Rev. Nyepon, Sr. to fill the vacant post of the Registrar. At the Webbo Rural Teachers Training Institute, the implementors of the preparation of both Pre- Service and In-Service trainees are the Trainers.


Who are the trainers and what is the nature of their work at WRTTI?


The trainers are all college graduates; some are holders of BA, Bsc, BBA, MA degrees. All of the trainers were trained and they continue to enjoy staff development workshops. The trainers are responsible for upgrading the educational achievement of those desirous of becoming primary and elementary school teachers. The instructional staff objective is to ensure that they impact knowledge to the learners by providing academic instruction to the learners by engaging the trainees in learning activities in


Foundations, Child Development, Pedagogy, Teaching Contents and Teaching Practices.

Courses utilized in Foundations are:

·         Introduction to Education

·         Ethics and Behaviorism

·         Issues in Education

·         Reading Comprehension

·         Writing Effectiveness

·         Mathematical Concepts

·         Science Concepts


Professional courses such as Pedagogy, Child Development, and Teaching Content which include the following:

·         Teaching Language Arts

·         Teaching Science

·         Teaching Social Studies

·         Teaching Mathematics and Teaching Practice are taught in enhancing the professional development of the trainees.


At every stage of the completion of a component, the trainers prepare a teacher made test to enable the trainees explore and exhibit what they’ve learned from the interactive forums with their instructors. Several graded works are prepared by the instructors to enable the learners prepare for the Basic Skills and Comprehensive Exit Examinations before being certificated by the Ministry of Education.


In an effort to model these men and women to effectively handle the welfare of the primary and elementary school children, the trainers provide voluntary counseling services to the learners. Besides, the Institute has an Education Psychosocial Counselor to provide counseling services to the WRTTI family. Apart from performing academic duties, the instructors provide free services to the institution by working with the institute’s various committees in executing the extraordinary activities and programs of the institute.


In an effort to ensure that the trainees gain insight into the daily working activities of the various elementary and primary schools, the Clinical Field Coordinator and teammates assign trainees to approved catchments schools for practical field work and trainers do full scale monitoring of the trainees. Through the initiatives of the trainers, the trainees enjoy social interactions with the community dwellers, the youth and other social and religious institutions.


On the part of the Academic Department of WRTTI, the Academic Dean is fully responsible to make sure that the academic program is not disrupted in any form. In view of this task, the Academic Dean who is answerable to the Director, supervises the academic activities of the institute; the trainees’ learning and social welfare. The Dean also monitor, supervises the academic and other necessary tasks so assign to his office. He ensures that all needs of the Academic Department are fully supported by the Administration so as to carry out the program’s objectives successfully.


In this light, with the financial support of the Administration, the Academic Department gave out Handouts to Cohort VII graduates despite the painful experience of producing handouts in the face of severe financial constraints as there was and still is the absence of “operational funds” due to budget shortfalls.




Due to insufficient instructional personnel, the Academic Dean, Registrar and the Education Psychosocial Counselor are also teaching while performing other non-teaching duties for the successful operations of the program. Because of the continuous budgetary constraints and what seems to be a perpetual absence of ‘operational funding, the Academic Deans of the RTTIs are greatly involved in the preparation of the test items of all the joint institutional exams with little involvement of all the RTTIs Test Committees as was the case when we had foreign partners financial support.

In consultation with both the trainers and the Director, the Academic Department render humane services to learners and provides a better learning environment for the trainees. As head of the Academic Department, and Deputy to the Director, the Academic Dean is involved in every aspect of the daily work of the employees. He attends to needs of guests to the institute with the advice and consent of the Director.


List of Directors

1.   Mr. martin L. Poquie                 2018 - Present

2.  Deacon Patrick P. Davies       2015 – 2018

3.   Mr. Shadrach Y. Kerl               2014 - 2015*

4.  Rev. D. Klay Quie, Sr.                2006 - 2014

5.  Mr. Anthony Slober                  2003 - 2005

6  Mr. D. Nimely Jappa                  1999 - 2000

     *Acted in position


List of Academic Deans

1.   Mr. Thomas Kan Nyepan        2015 - Present

2.  Rev. Kenneth Q. Nyepan, Sr.   2011 – 2013*

3.   Mr. Joseph F. Kwekwe             2008 - 2015

4.    Mr. Daze Bohlen                      1999 – 2000

     *Acted in position

About us